A space where topics related to newborns, babies, and children are addressed.

Knot Magazine

01 March 2024

Knot Magazine

Knot Magazine

Knot celebrates its 16th anniversary this year. 16 years celebrating family, stories, and childhood imagination. 16 years striving for innovation and sustainability in materials, design, and finding solutions based on quality, comfort, and protection for babies and children. 16 years consciously supporting national production and the textile industry in Portugal. During this period, we have formed many relationships. We have accompanied pregnancies, the joy of welcoming a new family member, and have happily listened to stories about the stages, achievements, and autonomy of your children. We have also been there during more delicate and challenging moments for your families, offering our support and understanding.

Throughout this journey, we have celebrated opening new stores, chosen to close others, faced a global pandemic, created re.love, and continued to forge partnerships we are proud of. We have experienced "the best and the most challenging" with the awareness of an adult, the hope of a child, and the comfort of all our customers.

In these 16 years of connections, many conversations, and stories, we believe now is the right time to create a space where we can talk about topics that are common and useful to us. Issues that make us happy, anxious, or doubtful. We want to hear opinions, discover different approaches, and continue to feel that at the end of each day, the most important thing remains the comfort and happiness of the little ones and the hope for a bright future. Welcome to our space of sharing.

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